It’s time for the second issue of your very own magazine/literary journal, Sauce, to be published by The LitSoc in 2011. The theme for this issue is “Revolutionize”. We are looking for well-written, witty pieces for the following sections.
Campus Chatter
Students’ Associations, fee hike negotiations, attendance rule protests. Have you been part of a campus revolution? Was it a success or a fail? What reinventions and changes do you want to see on your campus? We want to read everything!
Poetry and Prose
Send us in poetry and prose talking of a revolution, its inside, its aftermath. Poetry that inspires and moves. Tales that are insolent and tongue-in-cheek. We always appreciate irony and sarcasm.
Been reading the Motorcycle Diaries? Or V for Vendetta? Tell us what you thought about books related literature on revolution and reinvention. How did it affect you? Would you recommend it as a read? Why, or why not?
Talk about reinventions in the music world. What have been the landmarks, in your opinion? Rock, pop, metal, indie, classical, country. What artist do you think has had a revolutionary impact?
Manga, Cartoons and Comic strips
Review manga dealing with revolution and reinvention. Tell us how manga itself is a revolution in the creative industry. Or talk about revolutionary trends in the comic arena. We also want cartoons and comic strips on revolutions. Got a neat hand and a witty idea? Sketch it out.
Art, Photography and Cover Design
We also solicit high resolution art and photographs on themes of revolution and reinvention. And also written pieces on upheavals in these fields. Talk graffiti or Banksy, or the revolutions yet to come. We are also looking for cover designs for the next issue. You know the theme. Get onto it!
All contributors should mail short biographies along with their work. Add in your webpage (if any). If you so wish, please watermark your art, photographs, cartoons, comic strips etc. before sending them in. If they are published, The LitSoc or The Sauce Team is not responsible for absence of watermarks on your contributions. Also, please add a caption or title for every piece of art and photograph you send.
Detailed submission guidelines can be obtained on our website:
KINDLY MAIL ALL YOUR SUBMISSIONS TO litsocjc@gmail. WRITINGS IN .DOC FORMAT AND IMAGES IN .PNG, .JPG OR .GIF FORMATS. Further queries regarding Sauce/ submissions may also be directed to the same email id.
Also, hard copies coming up soon-ish!
Campus Chatter
Students’ Associations, fee hike negotiations, attendance rule protests. Have you been part of a campus revolution? Was it a success or a fail? What reinventions and changes do you want to see on your campus? We want to read everything!
Poetry and Prose
Send us in poetry and prose talking of a revolution, its inside, its aftermath. Poetry that inspires and moves. Tales that are insolent and tongue-in-cheek. We always appreciate irony and sarcasm.
Been reading the Motorcycle Diaries? Or V for Vendetta? Tell us what you thought about books related literature on revolution and reinvention. How did it affect you? Would you recommend it as a read? Why, or why not?
Talk about reinventions in the music world. What have been the landmarks, in your opinion? Rock, pop, metal, indie, classical, country. What artist do you think has had a revolutionary impact?
Manga, Cartoons and Comic strips
Review manga dealing with revolution and reinvention. Tell us how manga itself is a revolution in the creative industry. Or talk about revolutionary trends in the comic arena. We also want cartoons and comic strips on revolutions. Got a neat hand and a witty idea? Sketch it out.
Art, Photography and Cover Design
We also solicit high resolution art and photographs on themes of revolution and reinvention. And also written pieces on upheavals in these fields. Talk graffiti or Banksy, or the revolutions yet to come. We are also looking for cover designs for the next issue. You know the theme. Get onto it!
All contributors should mail short biographies along with their work. Add in your webpage (if any). If you so wish, please watermark your art, photographs, cartoons, comic strips etc. before sending them in. If they are published, The LitSoc or The Sauce Team is not responsible for absence of watermarks on your contributions. Also, please add a caption or title for every piece of art and photograph you send.
Detailed submission guidelines can be obtained on our website:
KINDLY MAIL ALL YOUR SUBMISSIONS TO litsocjc@gmail. WRITINGS IN .DOC FORMAT AND IMAGES IN .PNG, .JPG OR .GIF FORMATS. Further queries regarding Sauce/ submissions may also be directed to the same email id.
Also, hard copies coming up soon-ish!